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Konferencia v Badíne o Knihe Exodus

Ústav biblických štúdií pri Teologickej fakulte TU a Katedra biblických vied Rímskokatolíckej cyrilometodskej bohosloveckej fakulty UK
Vás pozývajú na konferenciu s medzinárodnou účasťou s názvom Exodus: moderný komentár k starovekej knihe. Konferencia sa bude konať v dňoch 11.-12. septembra v Kňazskom seminári sv. Františka Xaverského v Badíne.
Prvé desaťročie tretieho tisícročia sa slovenskej biblistike môže označiť aj ako počiatok intenzívnej biblickej spolupráce. TF TU s úspešne odštartovaným projektom Komentáre k Svätému písmu tak Starého (KSZ) ako aj Nového zákona sa chystá vydať ďalší čiastkový výsledok náročnej práce – Komentár ku Knihe Exodus. V roku keď sa končia oslavy 100. výročia založenia Pápežského biblického inštitútu, si účastníci konferencie chcú pripomenúť veľký význam tejto prestížnej inštitúcie na poli svetovej biblistiky. Bude preto aj veľkou cťou privítať na konferencii zahraničných prednášateľov s ich prednáškami: Jean-Louis Ska SJ, profesora Pápežského biblického inštitútu – The Book of Exodus: Basic Issues and Open Questions a Georg Braulik OSB, emeritného profesora Viedenskej univerzity – Gott kämpft für Israel. Viac informácií na stránke
Institute for Biblical Studies, The Faculty of the Thaeology of the University of Trnava and The Roman Catholic Faculty of Theology of Cyril and Methodius of Comenius University of Bratislava organize the conference with international attendance Exodus: A Modern Commentary to the Ancient Book. The conference takes palce on September 11-12, 2010, in Priestly Seminary of St. Franciscus Xaverius in Badín.
The first decade of the third millennium could be called a beginning of an intensive biblical cooperation in the Slovak Bible studies. The Theological Faculty of Trnava University has successfully started the project Commentaries to the Scripture of the Old and New Testament and is going to publish other partial result of a demanding work – The Commentary on the Book of Exodus. During the year when the 100. Anniversary of founding the Pontifical Biblical Institute is celebrated, the participants in the conference want to remember the great importance of this prestigious institution in the field of the world biblical studies. Therefore, it will be a great honour to invite foreign professors with their lectures: Jean-Louis Ska SJ, Professor of Pontifical Biblical Institute – The Book of Exodus: Basic Issues and Open Questions and Georg Braulik OSB, Professor Emeritus of the University of Vienna – Gott kämpft für Israel. More information on

Congress of IOSOT at Helsinki

The International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament (IOSOT) opened its 20th meeting at the University of Helsinki, Faculty of Theology on August 1st with Opening Ceremony at the Great Hall of the Main Building of the University. The rector of the University of Helsinki, Th. Wilhelmsson had an opening address; after which the two speeches followed. The secretery of the IOSOT, Arie van der Kooij spoke about The 60th Anniversary of the IOSOT and President od the IOSOT, Raija Sollamo gave her presidential address: Why Translation Technique and Literalness again? The Renderings of the Infinitive Absolute in the Septuagint of Jeremiah.
On Monday, August 2nd, main program was dedicated to Archaeology and Texts: From Archaeology to History. Three main speakers were A. Berlejung from University of Leipzig, L. Grabbe from University of Hull and Ratz Kletter from University of Helsinki. The panel discussion in the afternoom was focussed on the Persian Period. The last main lecture was a public one and S. Münger, Juha Pakkala and J. Zangenberg presented the Archaeological Excavationsat Kinneret and Its Environs.
Tuesday, August 3rd, morning was dedicated to Qumran, the Septuagint and Textual History. Three main morning speaker were ladies S.W. Crawford (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Ch. Hempel (University of Birmingham) and A. Aejmelaeus (Universtity of Helsinki). In the afternoon there were ten sessions: 1) & 2) Ancient Near Easter Evidence I and II, 3) Archaeology, 4) Biblical Law, 5) Deuteronomistic History, 6) Hebrew Language, 7) Interdisciplinary Approaches, 8 ) Persian / Hellenistic Period, 9) Prophets and 10) Textual Transmission & Canon. Among the afternoon speakers  there was a slovakian scholar Jozef Tiňo.
The day was concluded by Concert in the Old protestant Church after which followed  Ecumenical Reception in the Helsinki Cathedral Crypt. Reception was hosted by Bishop Eero Huoviena (The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland), Metropolitan Ambrosius (Finish Orthodox Church), Bishop Teemu Sippo (Catholic Church in Finland) and Leader of the Congregation Valtter Luoto (Pentecostal Congregation Saalem in Helsinki). The Roman Catholic Church in Finland has only about 11 000 members, whom serve 24 priests, non native Finish and one bishop, by origin from Finland.
On Wednesday, August 4th, three morning lectures were focussing on the theme Wisdom and Apocalyptic and the main speakers were P. Beentjes from Tilburg University, B. Wright III from Lehigt University and M. Knibb from King´s College London. There were Congress Excursion on schedule in the afternoom: 1. Cultural Tour – Ainola and Villa Kokkonen and 2. in Old Wooden Town of Porvoo and Finnish Art.
The second last day, Thursday, August 5th, was focused on The Relationship of “Deuteronomistic History” to Chronicles with the speakers T. Yamaga from Hokusei Gakuen Universtiy and G. Knoppers from Penn State University and on The Relationship of “Deuteronomistic History” to Prophets in the afternoom with R. Albertz from University of Muenster. The afternoon speakers were K. Schmid, U. Becker, S. McKenzie, Ch. Nihan, C. Edenburg and K. De Troyer who togehter with the morning speaker were active at the following panel discussion. As a cultural program on Thursday was Congress Dinner.
The last day of Congress, Friday, August 6th, was marked with thre excellent lectures of Ch. Exum from University of Sheffield, D.M. Carr from Union Theological Seminary and S. Ackerman from Dartmouth College. The Business Meeting followed as a last point of the Congress agenda. The President of the IOSOT Raija Sollamo expressed her satisfaction with smooth development of the porgramm as well as she apologised form a moment of unintended offence of a particular group of people at the ecumenical reception. To her was expressed thanks too and the president of the next IOSOT meeting in Muenchen (2013) prof. Ch. Levin was introduced.
Among the slovakian biblical scholars was also Milan Sova from Comenius University in Bratislava.
Medzinárodná organizácia pre štúdium Starého zákona (IOSOT) otvorila svoj 20. kongres na Teologickej fakulty Univerzity v Helsinkách večer 1. augusta slávnostnou ceremóniou.
Pondelok, 2. augusta, bol venovaný téme Archeológia a texty: Od archeológie k histórii. Hlavnými prednášateľom doobeda boli A. Berlejung z Univerzity z Leipzigu, L. Grabbe z Univerzity z Hull a Ratz Kletter z Univerzity Helsinki. Poobedňajšia panelová diskusia bola venovaná Perzskému obdobiu. Posledná hlavná veľká prednáška bola verejná a jej prednášatelia S. Münger, Juha Pakkala a J. Zangenberg predstavili výsledky prvých archeologických vykopávok na lokalitách Kinneret a jeho okolí.
Utorok, 3. augusta, bolo doobedie venované téme Kumrán, septuaginta a dejiny textu. Hlavné prednášatelia boli tri dámy: S.W. Crawford (Univerzita v Nebraske-Lincoln), Ch. Hempel (Univerzita v Birmingham) and A. Aejmelaeus (Univerzita v Helsinkách). Poobedie bolo ako zvyčajne venované krátkym prednáškam a to v desiatich sekciách: 1) a 2) Doklady starovekého Blízkeho východu I a II, 3) Archeológia, 4) Biblická legislatíva, 5) Deuteronomistická História, 6) Hebrejský jazyk, 7) Interdisciplinárny prístup, 8 ) Perzské a Helenistické obdobie, 9) Proroci a 10) Textová tradícia a Kánon. Medzi prednášateľmi bol aj slovenský biblista Jozef Tiňo.
Záver dňa bol poznačený dvomi veľkými spoločnými akciami. Prvou bol koncert v Starom protestantskom kostole. Druhou bola ekumenická recepcia v Krypte Helsinskej katedrály. Recepciu sponzorovali evanjelický biskup Eero Huoviena Evanjelikálnej luteránskej cirkvi Fínska, Metropolita Ambrozius z Fínskej ortodoxnej cirkvi, katolícky biskup Teemu Sippo a vodca Pentekostálnej Congregácie Saalem v Helsinkách Valtter Luoto.
Streda, 4. august.

Congress of IOSCS 29th-31st July, 2010

The International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (IOSCS) has orginized in July 29th – 31st its 14th congress at the University of Helsinky. The congress has opened prof. L. Greenspoon with his lecture “The 72” in the “Naught Decade”: Septuagint Studies, 2000–2009. The closing point of the congress was a panel discussion with the speakers A. Aejmelaeus, J. Aitken, K. De Troyer and A. van der Kooij about the origins of LXX. Though it was tiring, because for weather of Helsinki in the unusually hot afternoon, it was an interesting discussion because of the topic is a hot issue in the Septuaginta studies Continue reading Congress of IOSCS 29th-31st July, 2010