Since 1998, an increasing number of students and teachers undertake a period of mobility under the LLP (The Lifelong Learning Programme) Erasmus programme at our Comenius University. Our Theological Faculty of St. Cyril and Metod has a good bilateral cooperation with the Theological Faculty of Navarra University in Pamplona (Spain).
Within this bilateral cooperation there will be a number of lectures given at the Theological Faculty at the Department of Sacred Scripture. There are two areas of the objectives…of this mobility: the first is active and second is perceptional. The active area comprises six thematic lectures on the Department of Sacred Scripture, the second area of interest has methodical and explorative nature; it will track teaching method and differentiation of the subject of the Old Testament.
The lectures are schedule as follows:
1) “Prophet like Moses in the Pentateuch (Deut 18; 34.9 to 12)”. (pptx presentation)
Monday, November 19 (11.25-13.00)
Classroom 9: two lectures (45 minutes each), for students in the Master´s Degree in Theology.
2) “Inter-testamentary relations. Some examples” Relazioni intertestamentari. Alcuni esempi. (pptx presentation)
Thursday, November 22 (12.15-13.45)
Classroom 1: A seminar for Scholars (teaching at our Faculty) at the Faculty of Theology. (powerpoint presentation)
3) “Joshua as a Successor of Moses (Nm 27.15-23, Dt 31)”.
Friday, November 23 (9.30-11.15)
Classroom 9: two lectures (45 minutes each) for students in the Master´s Degree in Theology.